Welcome to my vision of Hollywood’s music scene circa mid 80’s early 90’s.
Actually, it wasn’t just my vision, but pretty much the vision of anyone who hung in and around the Sunset Strip area of Hollywood California during the height of the Hair band/Glam Rock and Metal era!
My Professional name from 1985 to 1993 was Marcie Nicole and I was a free-lance Photographer. I had my work featured in Screamer, BAM, RIP and other Rocker Mags back in the day. My name might ring a bell for those of you who hung around the Whiskey, Troubadour, Country Club and The Roxy just to name a few of the more famous L.A area clubs. I eventually shot at bigger venues like the Forum, LA Coliseum and Dodgers stadium.
Perhaps you’d seen me around or worked with me? I did stick out for one big reason. I was one of the ONLY female photographers out there, so that made things a bit interesting. Especially being stuck in a mosh pit with lots of big drunk, sweaty leather clad dudes while trying to get that perfect shot of my beautiful subjects who were perched upon 6-foot stage. OH, did I mention I’m not the tallest chick? What the hell was I thinking!??
I never got rich doing this and frankly that wasn’t my concern. I simply had a great time and loved every single minute of it. Even the crappy gigs, dealing with Divas and just plain Ass holes and the smokey dive bars with bad lighting. Despite it all, I wouldn’t trade my experience for anything. To me it’s priceless.
Throughout this site I’ll give you some insider footnotes on who the band was/is ECT and where and when they were photographed. Some of the dates might be fuzzy so do let me know if that’s the case? Some of the bands you’ll recognize and some never became famous, but their talent and passion were just as strong as the bands that became the “Next Big Thing” on MTV back when they actually played nothing but Music videos.
I also want to mention that this collection does NOT represent all the bands I photographed during my career. I wish I could have included every subject here, but digitizing images from film just ain’t cheap peeps!
Not to my surprise, many of the bands featured here are still active. The guys might be a little older and their hair a little shorter, but the fact that they are still rocking is a testament to their love of music and playing live!
I would like to personal thank Neil Zlozower, the ultimate Photography Rock God. You were so in demand and yet you were so generous to invite me to your home for the afternoon going over my portfolio and giving me some great advice on film, lighting and life. What a cool dude!
This is my tribute to a time that I personally will never forget. Some of the people on this site may have already forgotten. After all it was one big party and for many of us, one big blur. It was always snowing and the drinks always flowing. As for myself, it was simply one of the best times of my life! I hope this site will remind you all of the great times we shared. Working as hard as we played in a city that never seemed to slow down at a time that was full of endless possibilities, in an era that we may never see again, but I sure hope we will.
Welcome to Hollywood nights.